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St. Marks 1/29-30

Posted: February 1st, 2016, 10:24 pm
by dogonenuts
Took my soon to be employed college grad daughter for a couple of days of winter time fishing, which by the way, I have little experience with. Went up the Wakulla early Friday. Said daughter quickly put a slot red in the cooler. I couldn't catch a cold, so put rod in rod holder while I played with the gps. Soon my line was tight and I reeled in a twin to her red. That was it save two lady fish. We went down river and up the East river. Caught several nice sheepshead and a rat. That was it. So we fished the rising tide in the St. Marks. We identified most of the fish less spots and called it a day.

Saturday am we went back to our redfish hole. The fish were en fuego! Catfish that is!

Went back up the East River and watched two guys put on a clinic near the end of the ebb tide and on the early rising tide. We were off of the spot, but where we had managed the Sheeps and rat the day before. I finally broke down and took a nap. Was just snoring when my wonderful daughter woke me up with the throaty gurgle of a nice trout which I managed to net for her. Well this got me going and I soon had an upper slot red to show for my troubles. But that was it.

Did I mention the guys putting on the clinic? Well we moved a little closer to them, just to be friendly. I rigged up a pole the way they were fishing and got as close to them as I felt I could politely. My daughter quickly put six shorts in. I was baiting her hook and casting for her since she had a hard time throwing a long leader. By the time I could get my rod rigged the gig was up.

We put the boat on the trailer and topped a grand day off with as good a meal as I have had at Spring Creek. Truly a blessed dad this weekend. She did out fish me, but did not rub it in too badly.


Re: St. Marks 1/29-30

Posted: February 2nd, 2016, 7:14 am
by Blue spinner
thanks for the report ,i was looking for the sheepshead yesterday with no luck i did find some
black sea bass

Re: St. Marks 1/29-30

Posted: February 2nd, 2016, 9:23 am
by Harmsway
Way to put her on 'em, Nuts.

Re: St. Marks 1/29-30

Posted: February 2nd, 2016, 6:08 pm
by CoastalPirate
Sounds like the perfect weekend, Nuts. I look forward to the day my kids reel in their first keeper. Eventually they will put the baits and barbies down and pick up a rod. :lol:

Re: St. Marks 1/29-30

Posted: February 5th, 2016, 11:12 pm
by dogonenuts
Of my three kids, she is the most like me. We don't talk a lot, but usually know what the other is thinking.
We had a special two days on the water. God grants us those occasionally.

If I could only teach her to clean fish!