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June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: April 30th, 2016, 7:28 am
by GaryDroze
With the new bag limit of one red per person, will the June NFGFC redfish tourney be for one or two reds, i.e. do I need to use my tandem canoe and take along my show-off high school runner/angler who has the annoying habit of catching reds while I paddle? In the spirit of conservation, I vote one red.

Re: June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: April 30th, 2016, 9:08 am
by mpa_72001
could make it interesting heaviest combo of a red slot trout and flounder.

Re: June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: April 30th, 2016, 8:49 pm
by FishWithChris
Appreciate you addressing this early, Gary. We'll be talking about this during the week and will bebrought up during Thursday's meeting to let everyone know that the board is aware and are in discussions.

This thread will be a great sounding board for those that will be fishing it and all comments will be taken into consideration

Re: June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: April 30th, 2016, 9:28 pm
by crappielimits
I know I will probably upset some but must say. If we really feel there is an issue with our redfish population and most of us want a sustainable fishery for future anglers, why keep any reds in tournaments? Conservation needs to be a priority and killing for food is one thing,but for sport?

Genesis 1:26 in the Message:God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.”

God gave us authority and a huge responsibility over his creation. I take my part very serious. Especially on behalf of our young people with all the bad they face nowadays. I only can pray we can leave this fishery for many generations to come. Hopefully keep them off drugs and in the outdoors.

Re: June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: May 1st, 2016, 8:57 pm
by Hollywood
I can't speak for everyone but personally I keep and eat everything I catch during every tournament I fish, we don't just kill them and throw them away because they were caught during a tournament, so I do take offense to your post.

Re: June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: May 1st, 2016, 10:09 pm
by mpa_72001
I'm with ya there Hollywood I keep what I plan to eat from the tournament and throw most of the fish back i catch especially trout over 20 in.the last two weeks I prefished I threw back nearly every fish until tournament day then just kept what I was targeting for that day.

Re: June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: May 2nd, 2016, 3:08 am
by crappielimits
Nothing wrong with keeping a fish to eat and not making accusations against anyone. Just making suggestions to better suit the stewardship of these fish. If the data and your personal experiences as many have agreed on this site along with others show a decline in reds. Then why not self impose stricter regs if you are a blessed fisherman who gets to go regularly and is blessed with catching. I still think the problem usually lies in other factors than law abiding fisherman but every spawn able fish helps. I too love to eat redfish but will be limiting my take home for a while and bringing in some other species for table fare. Though, smaller a croaker eats the same as red, they are in the same family. I really like the fact of throwing back on pre fishing days as this is where larger tournaments hurt fish populations.

Re: June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: May 2nd, 2016, 12:42 pm
by Jumptrout51
NFGFC tournaments average 25 plus boats.
Redfish is a separate category,not the main target species.
The average number of reds brought to the scales is around 3 to 5 fish.
Milton keeps quantity records and can verify or disprove this number.
Not exactly exploiting the redfish population.
Flounder is another category.
Typically 2 flounder or less are weighed in.
Trout is the target species, a 5 fish limit.
Frequently only 8-10 boats have a limit to weigh.
If there is a population problem with inshore fish, it is not caused by NFGFC.

Re: June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: May 2nd, 2016, 2:47 pm
by reelbad
Jumptrout51 wrote:NFGFC tournaments average 25 plus boats.
Redfish is a separate category,not the main target species.
The average number of reds brought to the scales is around 3 to 5 fish.
Milton keeps quantity records and can verify or disprove this number.
Not exactly exploiting the redfish population.
Flounder is another category.
Typically 2 flounder or less are weighed in.
Trout is the target species, a 5 fish limit.
Frequently only 8-10 boats have a limit to weigh.
If there is a population problem with inshore fish, it is not caused by NFGFC.
Good point JT, Remember the St. Joe tourney a several years back when every boat caught limits of reds pre fishing on Fri. Then on tournament day only one red was caught and brought to the scale.

Re: June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: May 2nd, 2016, 3:20 pm
by GaryDroze
Dang, looks like I accidentally started a thread that got away from my basic question: one red or two to weigh-in? When I said "in the spirit of conservation," I was talking about conserving my sanity. You ever try sharing angler space in a twelve foot canoe with an excitable teenager? Life jackets mandatory!

Re: June NFGFC tourney...1 red or 2?

Posted: May 2nd, 2016, 8:08 pm
by Jumptrout51
Speaking of the JUNE tournament, when will the April results be posted?
The May Roll Call?