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Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 7:12 am
by bman
The FWC Commission voted yesterday voted to postpone Bear hunts for a year for more study.

I didn't and don't have a real interest in hunting a bear but this in not good for hunters...
All the scientific studies and the FWC staff said hunting was a good option for bear management.
But the anti hunting groups have been more vocal and the commissioners listened.
You can read FWC's Statement here... ... anagement/

I say its bad for hunters because the commissioners voted against science and their staff to side with the most vocal group.
There were just over a 100 comments from the public and the vast majority were against the hunt.

if you have time fill out this form and tell them your disappointed to have a hunting opportunity taken away. ... issioners/

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 9:48 am
by MudDucker
Its not good news for homeowners and visitors. The bears are so thick they are a nuisance and a danger to small children and dogs.

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 10:08 am
by DixieReb
I bet the nay-sayers will change their tune if a big black bear shows up in their yard!

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 11:23 am
by Hogfish24336
It sad all these people weighing in on something that they have no idea about. (hunting and game management) Most sportsman I know are the best care takers of the land, timber and wild life. I live on Highway 90 between Madison and Greenville. I have constant struggles with bears getting into my bee hives. I'm not the only who has hives in my general area and have the same problem. VERY FRUSTRATING. My family and I have been seeing bears on our game cameras going back 7/8 years in our general area.

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 12:17 pm
by Capt Ron
Here's what I just sent them...we'll see if I get a response.
While I have no interest in hunting bears, I feel your vote is a slap in the face to sportsmen and the wildlife of Florida. You have totally disregarded the science and staff recommendation presented to you to favor a protest based on uneducated emotion. Sound wildlife management entails more than habitat management, it also entails keeping the wildlife numbers at or below the carrying capacity of the land.

Once again science is trumped by bureaucracy. The commissioners are a disappointment!

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 12:52 pm
by Salty Gator
Hogfish24336 wrote:It sad all these people weighing in on something that they have no idea about. (hunting and game management) Most sportsman I know are the best care takers of the land, timber and wild life. I live on Highway 90 between Madison and Greenville. I have constant struggles with bears getting into my bee hives. I'm not the only who has hives in my general area and have the same problem. VERY FRUSTRATING. My family and I have been seeing bears on our game cameras going back 7/8 years in our general area.
Bears like honey. Doesn't it suck when nature inconveniences us?

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 2:46 pm
by Hogfish24336
I know where does there bears get off.... What is even crazier is seeing them take down hornets nests. From what i understand they actually prefer the bee and hornet larvae to the honey for protein.

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 4:30 pm
by RCS
A drive along 98 on garbage day will reaffirm what anyone who lives in or frequents that area already knows..."we gots a problem." Those bear-proof trashcans are no more effective than the locks on a screen door. They're a deterrent to the opportunistic bear, but if one really wants in, he's getting in...and there's evidence of that strewn throughout the ditches.

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 23rd, 2016, 5:10 pm
by Salty Gator
Hogfish24336 wrote:I know where does there bears get off.... What is even crazier is seeing them take down hornets nests. From what i understand they actually prefer the bee and hornet larvae to the honey for protein.
I remember hearing the same thing

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 24th, 2016, 9:34 am
by FishWithChris
speaking of bears... we were out in the National Forest yesterday evening riding some trails and came across quite a bit of wildlife: rabbit, BIG ol' turkey, hawks, piglets, bobcat...

...and bears. 3 cubs and a momma bear. The cubs were climbing up a pine about 60yrds away in a low brush palm area... a couple minutes later, a 250ish lb momma bear popped her head up. I'm all for population control, but couldn't help but think of some selfish hunter taking out, or just wounding the momma bear and leaving the cubs to fend (see: die) for themselves.

but then again, once momma bear was down on all fours, couldn't see her above the brush, so can also see a hunter taking her out and not realizing there were cubs.


Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 24th, 2016, 9:53 am
by RCS
That is a sad thought, and unfortunately, things like that happen every day without a hunter's boots ever setting foot in the woods. *Most hunters are ethical, and will let momma walk...the front end of a vehicle doesn't discriminate, nor is it limited to 1 day/weekend per year to potentially make that mistake. Also, a male bear who wants to breed momma will kill all of her cubs to bring her back into heat. As the bear density in an area goes up, so too does the risk of that happening.

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 24th, 2016, 12:39 pm
by Salty Gator
I wouldn't mind seeing the season pushed back some so such a high percentage of females taken wouldn't still be lactating. There were a bunch last year

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 24th, 2016, 2:55 pm
Salty Gator wrote:I wouldn't mind seeing the season pushed back some so such a high percentage of females taken wouldn't still be lactating. There were a bunch last year
SG-what is the local timeline for bear mating? When are cubs born and how long are cubs dependent after birth? You have more of a biology background than most, so I would appreciate your thoughts on the best time for a season.

I know a lot of does are shot while pregnant. I also still see spotted fawns the next season. Intrinsically, I guess I would rather see a pregnant doe shot than one actively mothering (I'm aware that just b/c a spotted fawn may be nursing it may not "need" its mother any longer). Not sure if bears are in a similar situation due to the length of gestation and dependency.

FYI-I have no desire to shoot a bear, but I'm not opposed to a season based upon the population I see. I'm certainly not a fan of others having their opty denied b/c of emotion if science supports a season.

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 24th, 2016, 4:42 pm
by FishWithChris
Anecdotally - Have you ever had a black-bear burger? A bit gamy, but delicious when done right.

:lick: :lick: :lick:

Re: Bear Hunts Postponed for 2016

Posted: June 24th, 2016, 6:28 pm
by Salty Gator
Salty Gator wrote:I wouldn't mind seeing the season pushed back some so such a high percentage of females taken wouldn't still be lactating. There were a bunch last year
SG-what is the local timeline for bear mating? When are cubs born and how long are cubs dependent after birth? You have more of a biology background than most, so I would appreciate your thoughts on the best time for a season.

I know a lot of does are shot while pregnant. I also still see spotted fawns the next season. Intrinsically, I guess I would rather see a pregnant doe shot than one actively mothering (I'm aware that just b/c a spotted fawn may be nursing it may not "need" its mother any longer). Not sure if bears are in a similar situation due to the length of gestation and dependency.

FYI-I have no desire to shoot a bear, but I'm not opposed to a season based upon the population I see. I'm certainly not a fan of others having their opty denied b/c of emotion if science supports a season.
Brian, in vet school we learned the reproductive patterns of dogs, cats, horses, pigs, cattle, sheep and goats. So, I'm not sure. I was too busy at work today to look it up. I have a call in w the wildlife vet at UF. I'm going to try to find out soon, but due to fishing, I may not be able to sink my teeth into it until Sunday or Monday.