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Econfina 10/28/16

Posted: October 28th, 2016, 5:53 pm
by DixieReb
Well, we haven't been in a while, so went today. Low water going out, could see 4 of the floating trees in the river. They were still up at high tide this afternoon. We fished from 3 ft. to 5 ft. and threw just about every color gulp we had. Caught many shorts on them, caught 2 nice ones on live pins and had another come loose at the boat. Some dummy forgot the dipnet, I wonder who he was? :roll: Did a lot better in 3 ft. with z-man plastics under a popping cork. Ended up with 7 nice trout, a big mackerel, a sailcat, and 2 big joltheads. We had to look for patches of rockgrass, and they are sparse right now. Anyway, good day, tired now, yall go get 'em. PS, I never caught as many lizardfish as we did today, they seemed like they were everywhere.

Re: Econfina 10/28/16

Posted: October 28th, 2016, 6:35 pm
by cast-n-stone
I, like you Reb haven't been to my Icky in way to long! We got there at dead low tide, easing out not knowing what high water had brought in. Was only one other boat when we got there. Went to our first spot and almost immediately started landin keepers and shorts. Had 4 in box in less then 30 minutes. Well, if this keeps up we'll be in creeks in short order lookin for reds. We fished 5-7 ' mostly. Bite slowed shortly of course, with keepers anyway. Moved towards rock island, same depth, got into rock bass and short trout. caught a keeper or two there b-4 we left and went back to original spot to finish out limit. Great grass in areas we fished, pearl gulp under cork did best. Good clear water,70 degrees, beeauutiful day. Also 4 rockies. Was glad to see logs floating on trip back in at high tide, saved luggin PVC pipe next week to mark em.