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St. Marks River?

Posted: June 5th, 2017, 1:14 pm
by saltycrab
This may be in the wrong spot, so please feel free to move if needed.

I plan on taking my daughter (3yo) who has been asking to go fishing, up the St. Marks River a little ways to try and put something on a hook for her.

The plan to stay off the flats, and head up river are due mostly to keep us in protected waters, as we will also have a baby on board as well, but I have a few questions:

1) Can any of the river portion of the St. Marks River be fished with only a saltwater license? If so, how far upriver?
2) What can we expect to catch, and any spots to put her on some fish? I don't care if they are small and not keepers, just want her to catch something and have a good time.
3) Any shallow/rocky spots I should look out for while boating the river?
4) How far South do the manatees come? I am sure that would be fun for her to see as well.

Thanks for any and all advice guys! :thumbup:

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 5th, 2017, 1:35 pm
by TomParis
Im actually fishing the river today after work, I will let you know what myself and my kids catch today. I transverse this river several times a month, its pretty safe, no rocks but as you head out careful as there are oyster beds right outside of the channel. I have been fishing for Redfish (obviously trying to catch a tagged redfish) but there are plenty to catch in the river.

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 5th, 2017, 1:43 pm
by tailwaters
1. I think it's more about species of fish than location when talking about the St. Marks river. If you are catching trout up river then you need a saltwater fishing license but if you are targeting bass and bream then you need a freshwater license. I could be wrong but that's the way I understand it.
2. Trout, reds and sheephead are in the river during the winter but have moved out by now. I have seen sheephead pretty far up during the summer months though. Your best bet would be to target freshwater bream with worms, minnows or crickets. Small bass will eat any of these too.
3. Going up upstream from the 98 bridge on the St. Marks river their isn't much to run into except for the random log.
4. Manatees can be anywhere. I've see them on the flats just as often as I've seen them in the river.

Good Luck!

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 5th, 2017, 1:51 pm
by silverking
In the brackish zones if you're targeting saltwater fish your SW license will cover you as long as you release any fresh water fish incidentally caught like largemouth bass.

The bottom third of the river is laced with oyster bars and some rocks closer to shore. You can stay in the channel and be fine. You could also idle in between some of the bars near the lighthouse/mouth, anchor up and your daughter can catch pinfish, ladyfish, black sea bass, jacks and possible a trout or red. A live shrimp or small pinfish under a Cajun Thunder or clacker-style cork will work.

A ride up river beyond the power plant is another option and the best bet to see manatees. Watch for snags but the middle of the channel is deep enough to run on plane. You could certainly try for bass and bream upriver. Maybe members with more fresh water experience will chime in. But I'd think a cricket or earthworm on a BreamBuster would produce some action.

Have fun!

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 5th, 2017, 2:25 pm
by saltycrab
Thanks for the info guys!

We may fish the mouth of the river, and go to the sandbar real quick, but for now I just wanted to stick to staying on the river for smoother water if needed.

Good info on the freshwater vs. saltwater license. I didn't want to buy a freshwater license just to let her try for a few fish.

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 6th, 2017, 8:44 am
by TomParis
so I was on the river yesterday and it was calm till will got to the fort, the wind and the chop were pretty bad after passing the fort. we also did not catch one fish = (

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 6th, 2017, 8:46 am
by saltycrab
TomParis wrote:so I was on the river yesterday and it was calm till will got to the fort, the wind and the chop were pretty bad after passing the fort. we also did not catch one fish = (
Still better than a day at work :)

Where did you put in at?

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 6th, 2017, 10:15 am
by TomParis
Actually I didnt put my boat in yesterday, I borrowed my father in law's pontoon boat which is always in the water on his dock. I went after work so technically I worked and went fishing = )

But yes being out on the water is always a good time fish or no fish!

Image20170605_172000 by TomParisOBC, on Flickr

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 6th, 2017, 1:29 pm
by saltycrab
And the smile on the kids faces make it all worth it! :thumbup:

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 6th, 2017, 5:46 pm
by DixieReb
Man, yall need to fish the upper river in January. It's usually got some good trout fishing, mostly from trolling green curlytail jigs in the deep stretches. :wink:

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 14th, 2017, 11:29 am
by Jawjadawg
Nice little St Marks River fishing video - not very helpful for the summer months though.

Re: St. Marks River?

Posted: June 14th, 2017, 11:34 am
by saltycrab
Jawjadawg wrote:Nice little St Marks River fishing video - not very helpful for the summer months though.

