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Floundering, Shell Pt, July 9, 2004

Posted: July 14th, 2004, 6:57 pm
by SneakyBooger
Went floundering with WidowmakeR and Iamhybris last Friday. We lost 2, but managed to get 6 in the boat, ranging from 13" to 19". Prior to sunset we chased trout on the flats and put 2 of those in the box. Wid had the eye for the flounder this time.
We ate em up Saturday night. Delicious!
Iamhybris and Wid, thanks for coming down and chasing a few with me.
A few pics:

Iam with his best catch:

Let the giggingg begin!

Iam with a flattie:

This dude has some camoflage!

Posted: July 14th, 2004, 8:59 pm
by rocket
Good job. Sounds like fun. I went last year to Aucilla. Conditions seemed perfect, but the wind blew a little too hard, and made the drift too fast.
Looks like good eating :lick: .

Posted: July 15th, 2004, 10:12 am
by dstockwell
wtg Sneaky. :thumbup: