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11/2 Aucilla

Posted: November 3rd, 2019, 6:39 pm
by Welby
Decided to make a trip to the Aucilla to enjoy the morning then make it home in time to enjoy the GA/FL game. Water temp was mid 60’s and either I just couldn’t find them or they didn’t like the big drop in temp. Either way, I didn’t do much. One of these days I’ll learn to respect the North wind on a falling tide. That water left quickly! Of course a trip to the coast is always rewarding, this fellow was enjoying being out the as much as me.

Re: 11/2 Aucilla

Posted: November 3rd, 2019, 9:51 pm
by DixieReb
Thanks for posting, sorry they didn't bite. Gotta love seeing eagles though! :D

Re: 11/2 Aucilla

Posted: November 4th, 2019, 9:02 am
by dropaline
thanks for posting!!!