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Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 21st, 2020, 6:32 pm
by geofish
I've seen at least 3 posts lately for our fellow fishermen leaving the water due to fishing hooks embedded in their hand or other body parts. Some mentioned going to the ER, followed by responses that involved boltcutters etc. Cursing was a common side-effect.
Sometimes that's necessary, but there are several methods that are a little more conservative. Here's a link to an older article from American Family Physician that describes and illustrates 4 methods.
The string-yank method is probably the most relevant to try out on the water, and it's as exciting as it sounds. This is a no-guts no-glory method, happens very quickly, and usually works if no one flinches (hook victim has to hold the body part steady and and the yanker has to yank fast in the right direction).
It's even more exciting if you're alone in the boat and get to play both parts. In that case, cursing is allowed.

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 21st, 2020, 8:40 pm
by cotton
Try it in a yak by yourself. My first experience, I was fishing friends and the barb was exposed. We cut the hook below the barb and backed it out. Easy peazy.

My second experience, I was by myself, out of state. Hooked was imbeded. I saw some folks, swimming, and walked a stranger thru yanking it out. He thought I was crazy.

My tips. Make sure your tetanus is up to date. Always carry a first aid kit in your car.

If you fish enough, its guaranteed to happen to you. Hook sets, fish spitting hooks, fishing with kids, or bringing a lively fish on the yak or boat. Be prepared.

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 21st, 2020, 11:38 pm
by Old Ken
Terrible experience and no matter how the hooks are removed it stinks.

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 22nd, 2020, 7:27 am
by fishinfool
No matter what method is used, if it happens on my boat cussing will be allowed. I have been on both sides of this. I have been the yanker and the yank-ee. Neither are fun or for the timid. You need to "buck up" and just do it.
Some amount of first aid supplies are a must on the boat too.(bandages and antiseptic at a minimum)

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 22nd, 2020, 8:47 am
by Juan
(knock on wood) … Over 50 years of fishing and I have yet to get stuck past a barb but if it happens, along with the cussing there will be whiskey and chloroform! :-D

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 22nd, 2020, 10:01 am
by silverking
A splash of Heineken works as an emergency anti-septic once the hook is removed. :wink:

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 22nd, 2020, 10:04 am
by FishWithChris
Years ago we had hotel down off 98 somewhere near Crawfordville for one of the big tournaments (BB SWC?). We had a few big baits laid out on the bed; a few drinks in, and I jumped across the room like superman and got a stretch 20 treble stuck in my leg between calf and tibialis anterior and had such a quick moment of OMFG; immediately reached down and pulled down and yanked it out.

Talk about pain. glad it was in thicker muscle and skin; and not an arm, hand, etc... I cannot imagine hooks that size getting stuck.

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 22nd, 2020, 1:24 pm
by silverking
Different close encounter, this time 20 years ago at Tropic Star Lodge in Panama. Leader popped loose on big-game rod in overhead rack. I twitched and drove this 7/0 marlin hook through the cartilage of my left ear. I was fishing with Guy Harvey at the time. When we docked, Guy shot this photo before the manager used bolt cutters to cut the shank and back the hook out. Swabbed with iodine and washed down a couple Tylenol with a cold Polar cerveza chaser. An editor/comedian at Power & Motoryacht later taped the pix to the cover of this VHS tape on hook removing and sent it to me.

Still have a hard spot in that ear. The red beard has turned to white, though.

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 22nd, 2020, 8:31 pm
by fishinfool
There are easier ways to get your ear pierced. But probably not a better ear-ring.

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 22nd, 2020, 8:42 pm
by FlyrodC
geofish wrote: The string-yank method is probably the most relevant to try out on the water, and it's as exciting as it sounds.
I've done this many times. A couple summers ago I was fishing with a buddy and his 13 year old son and the kid was pulling an improved clinch knot tight with his teeth (he didn't know that you don't have to pull the tag end) and he hooked a #12 Caddis dry fly into his lip. I pulled the fly out using the string-yank method and not only did it not bleed, he didn't realize the fly was out. That was my best one.

A buddy down here had 2 hooks on a treble embedded in his bald head when a Skitterwalk came out of a fishes mouth once it got in the net. Came shooting out of the net and hit him in the forehead. I wasn't there but my buddy performed the removal and when he pulled it out with the string-yank method, he hooked himself in the hand with one of the other hooks and they had to remove it from him. Reason I mention this is that he suggested if I ever had to remove a multi hook plug from someone' that I wrap the lure with a towel to protect the person removing the lure.

For them that don't know the process, it's technique 1 and it works.


Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 22nd, 2020, 10:26 pm
by Salty Gator
silverking wrote:Different close encounter, this time 20 years ago at Tropic Star Lodge in Panama. Leader popped loose on big-game rod in overhead rack. I twitched and drove this 7/0 marlin hook through the cartilage of my left ear. I was fishing with Guy Harvey at the time. When we docked, Guy shot this photo before the manager used bolt cutters to cut the shank and back the hook out. Swabbed with iodine and washed down a couple Tylenol with a cold Polar cerveza chaser. An editor/comedian at Power & Motoryacht later taped the pix to the cover of this VHS tape on hook removing and sent it to me.

Still have a hard spot in that ear. The red beard has turned to white, though.
You win best fish hook story :thumbup:

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 23rd, 2020, 8:02 am
by silverking
I forgot the clincher. There was a local club tournament going on at the same time. At the awards ceremony, they presented me with a framed certificate:

Angler of the 'Ear

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 23rd, 2020, 12:52 pm
by JeffB
silverking wrote:I forgot the clincher. There was a local club tournament going on at the same time. At the awards ceremony, they presented me with a framed certificate:

Angler of the 'Ear

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 23rd, 2020, 8:08 pm
by Juan
:lol: I think I'd take a hook earring in each ear to fish with Guy Harvey! :-D

Re: Removing fish hooks from humans (or fishermen)

Posted: January 24th, 2020, 12:15 am
by BloodyChamp
Can’t wait to hear Gary Droze’s stories on this lol!

Let the guy who can give him a run for his money in the bloodshed while fishing department try first though. I kid you not, I got 5 of the 6 barbs on the lure hooked in me bass style. Seems impossible to get all 3 in 1 hook in there but this is me we’re talking about. I got um out with pliers lol!