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Kayak trip out of Wakulla Beach 12/10/2020

Posted: December 10th, 2020, 3:51 pm
by cody0707
I got to Wakulla Beach at 10:30 a.m. and was putting in with other kayakers. Another kayaker said he didn't think the fish would be biting since the water was too cold. I was mainly out there to test my new kayak. I decided to head east towards East Goose Creek. At 11:03 I land my first redfish of the day right at the creek mouth. I caught it using a Z-man Trout Trick in Rootbeer Chartreuse. I head into East Goose Creek and see a dolphin cruising in water just deep enough to keep its dorsal fin covered. I ended up breaking my Z-man off due to not checking the line after dragging it on some oysters. Instead of rerigging, I switched to a Cajun Thunder rig with a ghost shrimp. At 11:18 I land a trout. After landing the trout I finally get motivated a rerigged another Z-man. I cruised around a few feeder creeks but didn't see any tailing redfish. I head back to the main creek and see the dolphin headed back out of the creek. A short paddle later and I land a second redfish at 12:17. I tooled around for a little bit and headed back to the beach and off the water at 1:00 pm.

I didn't bring a measuring board with me or a catch bag since it was my first adventure in the new kayak and fishing was more of a secondary reason for being out there.


Re: Kayak trip out of Wakulla Beach 12/10/2020

Posted: December 10th, 2020, 5:04 pm
by Red Beard
Congrats on the fish and the new yak. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Kayak trip out of Wakulla Beach 12/10/2020

Posted: December 10th, 2020, 5:27 pm
by geofish
Looks like a beautiful day and some fun fishing- more adventures to come!

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

Re: Kayak trip out of Wakulla Beach 12/10/2020

Posted: December 11th, 2020, 8:32 am
by fishinfool
Way to go. I am glad you knocked the skunk off that new boat.

Re: Kayak trip out of Wakulla Beach 12/10/2020

Posted: December 11th, 2020, 11:40 am
by slow motion
Thanks for the report and good luck in the future.

Re: Kayak trip out of Wakulla Beach 12/10/2020

Posted: December 14th, 2020, 7:28 am
by TheReelPapaSquat
Nice trip. Thanks for the report