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Duck and Shrooms

Posted: December 3rd, 2004, 3:49 pm
by GC
4- duck breast fillets
1-cup chopped onions
2-cloves of garlic chopped
1-package of mushrooms (any size you like)
3 tblsp olive oil
4 tblsp butter
Salt and pepper to taste
2-cups wine (whatever you like) I used Chardonay last time

Put oil and butter in pan and turn heat to high. When the pan is hot...
Salt and pepper duck breast and put them in the pan. Sear on both sides then turn heat down to med and cook for additional 3-4 minutes each side. Take duck out of pan and keep warm ( I cooked baked potatos at the same time, so I put the breast on a plate and put them in the oven)
Next add onions and garlic to the pan and Sautee, then add the mushrooms and cook for 2-3 more minutes. Put the duck back in the pan and cook for 2 more minutes turning the duck often. Add wine and bring to a simmer.
Done!! :lick:
With a baked potato and a's pretty good!