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Recent Pubs Dealing with Kayaks and Kayak Fishing

Posted: January 19th, 2005, 10:45 am
by Apalach
I know a lot of you have probably seen either or both of these magazines, but if you haven’t, or if you have been thinking about getting into kayak fishing, both of these issues are top notch.

1. The first magazine is Shallow Water Angler, the December/January 2005 issue. Especially check out page 46 with photos of various types of kayaks rigged for fishing. Also page 50 for a review of skinny water boats suitable for cartopping and fishing. There is also an interesting article on gear for landing fish, including a review of an accessory that more and more yakfishers are using for catch and release: lip grippers (p. 12).


2. The other recent pub is the December, 2004 issue of Canoe and Kayak magazine. This is their annual Buyer’s Guide issue that I found really helpful when I was trying to decide on which kayak to buy. It covers just about every kayak and canoe manufacturer out there, as well as paddles, PFDs, and some apparel, as well.


Posted: January 19th, 2005, 3:52 pm
by Terri Kelly
thanks for the tip :thumbup: