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So... How might I attempt to catch a big black drum...

Posted: June 13th, 2002, 10:48 am
by Kris
Anyone care to give some tips?... never caught one but never tried either.

Posted: June 13th, 2002, 5:20 pm
by Brad

I don't know for sure about the Gulf, but it should be the same as the Atlantic. I take it you know a place where they frequent? If so, most of the people over here take blue crabs and/or clams and fish with them. They crack a few clams and throw overboard for chum and take some and put on their hook. Half a blue crab on a second line and let 'em soak and wait...that's how the guys that fish for them on the wrong side do it.


Posted: June 13th, 2002, 5:22 pm
by Tom Keels
What Brad said. One of the best places to do it is under the panacea bridge. This fellow can attest to that.


Posted: June 13th, 2002, 5:37 pm
by Brad
I've always liked, and been impressed by that pic! :D

I saw some guys catch one that size off the pier at St. Simons while fishing for sheepshead about 3 years ago. An old Ambassador reel and a heavy bass flippin' stick....couldn't believe they landed the fish!


Posted: June 13th, 2002, 5:40 pm
by Kris
Hey thanks for the tips ..

That is a HUGE FISH!!!

I wonder why there is no size limit for black drum yet there is for redfish? Are they not as tasty?

Posted: June 13th, 2002, 6:40 pm
by Brad
The big ones have very mushy flesh from what I've been told. I love to eat them up to about 8 lbs. Tom says that over around his area the fish have a muddy taste...I think that's right. I haven't found that over here, but it could just be me too! :D