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Offshore Carrabelle 09-20-2002

Posted: September 20th, 2002, 3:38 pm
by Tom Keels
After a late start due to the wrong sparkplugs in Joefisher's engine (long story), we got out to the o-tower and caught bait. It was a solid 2-3 going out. We went to some bottom between o and s but had a hard time getting achored on spots due to the wind and tide. Finally anchored and droped down baits that kept getting stolen by what we found out were undersize snapper. Finally hooked up on a big fish that didn't fight quite right. Ended up being a 7 foot nurse shark. Cut him off but ended up catching him again 10 minutes later. Did catch a 5 pund spanish on the flatline.

With some rain storms coming in and the wind and seas picking up we decided to run on in. On the way in the seas layed a bit so we decided to hit some stuff in 70 feet north of o. Cruising along we ran over some good looking stuff and I threw a marker. We managed to get anchored on it and it was on. First drop was a nice gag for me on a live sardine. I dropped the used sardine down again and got a 3 pound spanish. Joe caught a couple of shorts and I caught a short red snapper. Another drop and I got a 4 pound mangrove snapper. Joe hooked up on a good pulling fish that turned out to be a short AJ.

I put out the flatline and barely got it in the rod holder when it started screaming off line. I wasn't sure the fish was going to stop but finally I turned him around. After a short fight we put a 14 pound king in the boat.

With the live bait gone I switched to LYs and hooked up again on a big fish with the all to familiar fight of a nurse shark. This one a little smller had 2 small cobia following him. After liberating him, Joe hooked up on one of the cobia. Shortly after the tide stopped the bite stopped and it was getting late so we headed in.

Not the best day, but definately slow. Water is still warm, but it does seem like the migratory fish are just starting to move. In 2-3 weeks it should be awesome.