St. Marks--Sunday 10//22 was Supposed to Be Windy

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St. Marks--Sunday 10//22 was Supposed to Be Windy

Post by John21:6 »

When I go fishing and don't see many other boats out on the water, I figure I am doing something wrong. Everyone else must know that the fish aren't biting.

Sunday afternoon as I was driving to Shell Island Fish Camp, I was thinking I might even be doing something stupid. The forecast called for higher winds and rougher seas. But I went fishing anyway and took my sister with me. As we passed though the mouth of the St. Marks River, the seas didn't seem too bad. We kept going. Our first stop was the spoil pile near the #7 channel marker. Lots of bites from smaller fish. Nothing for the cooler.

By 3:00 pm or so, the winds and the seas had really started to settle down enough for me to feel safe traveling further away. We headed 1-2 miles east of the channel and found fish right away in about 10 feet of water. We brought two trout and two seabass home with us. I'd post pictures, but I can't figure out how to do that. If anyone can tell me how to post pictures here, please let me know.

As we headed back in just after 4 pm, there was almost no wind and the seas were flat.
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Re: St. Marks--Sunday 10//22 was Supposed to Be Windy

Post by guthooked »

A lot of the times when it is borderline too rough, I usually have my best days.
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Re: St. Marks--Sunday 10//22 was Supposed to Be Windy

Post by Steve Stinson »

I fished the flats East of the Econfina River all day. It was pretty windy in the morning, and to be honest that is when the fish bit the best. In the afternoon, it got calm and we ran offshore a ways looking for grouper. Did not find any, but got a big flounder and had a very smooth ride back in around 4:00 pm.
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