Hickory mound- 1, JEhren- 0

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Hickory mound- 1, JEhren- 0

Post by jehren »

I decided to start a new thread for this topic, so that I did not drag out my other post. I fished Hickory Mound yesterday and am a little confused about the place, in general. I got there around 5pm and put in at the spot where I duck hunt. I use the ramp with the portapottie that allows access to both sides (coast & impoundment). I was under the impression that there are no fish in the actual impoundment b/c it is mostly freshwater, but I could be wrong. So we fished the other side. After navigating out to the mouth of the creek we put in we fished up and down the coast and manuevered in and out of different "sloughs" (for lack of actual word). It was two hours after high tide and the current was picking up out of the creeks. It looked like a primetime Redfish setting. The type of habitat you see in La :smt010 , where they are catching red after red in the creeks. Anyway, long story short, we didnt get ANY action, the motor died, and we paddled back, capping a thoroughly awful day.

I just do not get how this habitat with a falling tide and not much fishing pressure doesn't produce consistency. WE tried at least 10 different areas where the tide was ripping thorugh the creek mouths and oyster bars. One would think at least some action would be warranted. Am I missing something?

On a side note, I don't know why anyone would drive down that awful 10 mile dirt road with a boat. It was trechorous.
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Re: Hickory mound- 1, JEhren- 0

Post by fishinfool »

Were you working your lure with the current? Fish usually point their noses into the current waiting for food to come by. Were you casting to points, indentations in the grass, up-current from rocks, etc...? Fish will use these as ambush points. Think about it like you were looking for food. If there were a situation where food would come to you as opposed to having to go out and hunt it down, chase it catch it then eat it, wouldn't you take the easy way?
A gold spoon worked slowly, like a cradle rocking, NOT spinning! , is nearly irresistible to a Redfish.
Keep an eye out for waking or feeding fish and cast ahead of them.
Good luck,
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Re: Hickory mound- 1, JEhren- 0

Post by big bend gyrene »

Jehren, many folks who love Econ as much as I do would likely love me to tell you that they just aren't there... :-D ... but that would be a lie. :lol:

Truth is that I'm a HUGE fan of the gold spoon too and have hit double digit numbers of reds out of Hickory Mound MANY a time. Now THIS said, I've also gone one day to a favored spot and caught 20+ fish, with bite after bite action, and triple hook ups with guests on my boat, only to go a day or two later and get skunked or land one.

Like someone once told me, that's why they call it "fishing" instead of calling it "catching"! :wink: Lots and LOTS of variables that can make them bite one day but not the next, even BE in one area one day and MOVED OUT another. Sorry you hit it on a bad day, but will also tell you the older I'm getting I'm finding that the area is so dadgum beautiful and time spent on the water there so precious, the double digit days are icing on the cake and slow days are good cake days too, just minus the icing. :thumbup: :beer:
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Re: Hickory mound- 1, JEhren- 0

Post by mpa_72001 »

for a small fee i will show you the hickory mound area and sell you a few of jt's holes while were over there.I'll be fishing over there monday afternoon or tues. when i get back from pc if u wanna learn it but the guided fee is more :lol:
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Re: Hickory mound- 1, JEhren- 0

Post by RHTFISH »

If there is a place in this universe called REDFISH COUNTRY it has to be the HMound area. That being said....always remember these words of wisdom on a slow day ..."you should have been here yesterday and they're gonna bite like crazy tomorrow."

The very best time to fish is when you can! :-D When its an option fish the strong moving tides. Watch for mullet schools.....I saw one of the thickest schools down there
last Sunday morning I've ever seen. Every few minutes something large would tear into them like crazy. I had zero luck throwing a spoon into the school and finally moved away
about 25 yards and began throwing to the edges of the school and reds were fighting over the spoon. Go figure!

Keep chasing them......they are there! :D
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