Anywhere to wade fish around St. Marks? Wanting trout!!!

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Dwayne Fisherman
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Anywhere to wade fish around St. Marks? Wanting trout!!!

Post by Dwayne Fisherman »

I don't have a boat and do not like surf fishing at the beach. I have heard that there is an area at St. Marks you can wade out and have a decent chance of catching some trout. Is this true? :D
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Post by Just Fish »

I know of a few folks that wade directly out from the lighthouse on the east side. I don't know how successful they are but I know they have caught fish there.

You can also wade fish at Wakulla Beach, you may want to check that out also.

Good Luck
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Post by jsuber »

You can wade fish at the Lighhouse this weekend cause all the water will be gone out. But pay attention cause you gotta know how to get back in after the water comes back. You can keep an eye out for the dock and wade back a little west of it. Just from the end of that old dock is a long oyster bar that people go out on and sit in lawn chairs and fish the deep drop offs on each side of it. If nothing else go there this weekend and get an idea of how it looks without the water.
Dwayne Fisherman
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Post by Dwayne Fisherman »

Thanks. How come there will be no water this weekend?
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Post by Sir reel »

I think what they'r trying to say is since there is a negative tide forcasted for Sat and Sun:
03/17/2007 Sat 01:28AM LDT 3.5 H 08:05AM LDT -0.6 L 02:24PM LDT 3.4 H 08:13PM LDT 0.4 L
03/18/2007 Sun 02:18AM LDT 3.7 H 08:39AM LDT -0.4 L 02:49PM LDT 3.5 H 08:54PM LDT -0.2 L
And a cold front coming in which generally brings windy conditions from the North.... the north wind blowing out from shore along with a negative tide in the morning to start with.... well... you get the picture I'm sure :D

I'd try it and see. :thumbup:
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Post by jsuber »

What He Said. :thumbup:
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Post by reel therapy »

^what Suber said. I've waded out to the long bar, as well as just out directly in front of the lighthouse.

You can also take the trails on the refuge which head east--take them to the top of the creeks that run through the area. It's a bit of a hike (or bike ride) to get back there, and there are plenty of gators hanging around back there to welcome you. :o But once there, you can wade the creeks (or walk the shorline) heading toward the gulf. Might be best on a different weekend, but it's worth checking out.
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Post by wevans »

The rock garden will look like a moonscape this weekend, in the mornings :o a good time ta SEE what is normally under the water :beer:
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Post by TallyFish »

I too fish the shore east of the light house. I have caught plenty of trout, a redfish or two and the occassional few mackeral. I use a variety of artificals only.
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Post by mjsigns »


Just go down there and fish. Only a few of these guys have ever waded out in the water. Catch the rising tide or falling tide and you might get lucky and catch a fish. There are no waves to speak of near the shore. On a low tide you may have to walk out 1 or 2 hundred yards or more to find the fish. Walk out till you find the grass and you should find the fish if you have the right bait and have it rigged right. There is a long sand/oyster bar west of the old pier you might want to try walking the bar, but I've never caught a trout fishing from that bar.

I used to take my cast net and catch tiny bait fish (mud minnows and finger mullet) the trout and red fish love. You might want to wear some hip waders cause the water is still somewhat cold depending on the time of day, and weather conditions (clouds).

Good Luck! :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Post by Atticus »

If you get out on that long bar the swim back can be interesting. Done it a couple times. One time I came eye-to-eye with flipper. Neither of us were happy to be sharing the same water.
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Post by Reelax »

Wakulla Beach is a good place for wading and catching large trout. There is one large oyster bar that starts on shore and goes almost completely across the opening of Shepherd's spring. Hit that bar up on a falling, or rising tide, the further out on the bar the better. Went there two weeks ago and waded when trout reopen. Caught a 27incher using soft plastics. Also i would wear some old/protective shoes, there is a lot of marsh mud, and sharp oysters!!
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Post by grim reeler »

Last time I waded the oyster bar at the light house I really enjoyed watching a 6 ft or so bull shark chasing crabs until it dawned on me that I was almost waist deep and had a bait bucket full of shripmp tied to my belt. It also occured to me shortly thereafter that I still needed to wade thru even deeper water to get back to shore.

But yes, trout can be caught there and even an occasional red or flounder.
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Post by Redphisher »

I've caught plenty of of 5 to 6 foot bull and blacktips out on those flats. Like Grim Reeler says don't carry bait or a stringer of fish for that matter. However, for every shark I've caught I've caught 100 trout. Safe fishing...
Dwayne Fisherman
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Post by Dwayne Fisherman »

Thanks so much fellas. I am probably going to try it next week with a buddy of mine. I'll post some pics.
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