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Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 7:07 am
by Richy
Flanders wrote:
Richy wrote:
Flanders wrote:Its funny how everyone bashed Bush for the cost of the Afgan and Iraq war.
Why shouldn't Bush be bashed for those campains ... ?
It was nice in my opionion to have a President that knew what he stood for, and followed through with it. I think we sure need someone like that now. But maybe im wrong, Maybe spending our childrens future earnings will solve the problems. :smt011
Richy wrote: It's not just about the $$$, it's about the injuries and lost lives of the American Soldiers whether it be american soil or not ."

Nobody likes the thought of our Soldiers being hurt or killed. However its like my cousin said who just got back from Afgan. "Freedom Ain't Free".!!! salute3
I believe 9/11 would have never happened if George Bush (the 1st one) would have "followed through" and let Gen. Schwarzkopf finish his job in the Gulf war instead of backing out. That showed a kink in our armor. You don't show compassion in a fight and you don't let finish the job so that the other guy never thinks about screwing with you again. So, with that being said ... I believe 9/11 was coming and it has nothing to do with Dubba, other than he was on watch when it happened. So, much like like a kid gettin' his butt kicked in his own front yard, he tried to redeem himself and the result is screwed up compains that have cost $ and lost lives and now a large % of the world are thinking we're A~holes ... and for what? To librate another country? For years now we have needed to be concerned with the USA, make ourselves strong again and stop trying to "librate" the world.

I agree 100 % about our children's, children's debt and what a terrible thing it is ... they're being saddled with huge $$$ burden because of the poor choices of our government leaders, Bush (both of them), Cheny & Rummy and now with B.O. .

I understand the cost of freedom...I really do.

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 8:10 am
by Reel Cowboy
To quote Katt Williams, "You gotta get in tune with your star player to make it". My policy on foreign policy is another Katt quote, "All a hater can do is hate, so hate on trick."
You can't have the freedoms we have and not be hated by the less fortunate. But then again, it's because of the sacrifices of our men and women in the military that make it possible.
Richy, he may have wrong on all of those things you outlined but when stood in front of the world and said "Feeling froggy? Then jump" I felt better, safer because here was my President and he said he was handling it. O doesn't make me feel like I'm safe or that my livelyhood is safe or that family is safe.

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 8:27 am
by Richy
Hey Reel,
cool post ... I see where your coming from and I agree to an extent, much respect offered to you... I suppose I'm just disappointed about where we the US is now. We seem to have fallen for our own graces.

here's to all the PLAYER HATERS ... Image

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 8:29 am
by MudDucker
* Took more vacation time than any other President
Lie, FDR took more back when communications weren't nearly as good.

* Invaded Iraq to get rid of WMDs which didn’t exist
I guess that puts him right there with a majority of the Congress. How convenient you forgot that.

* Implemented protectionist steel tariffs
In response to Chinese protectionist actions against our companies.

* Outed a CIA agent for political purposes
Really ... is your source Dan Rather.

* Fired prosecutors who refused to abuse their positions for political purposes
Absolute Bullshit. This one really shows you ain't no independent.

* Disregarded FISA laws and wiretappd Americans without warrants
Bullshit. Wiretapped foreigners and non-citizens for calls going over seas.

* Never caught Osama Bin Laden
True, after Clinton had him and released him, Osama wisened up.

* Failed to plan for Iraq occupation after Saddam’s government fell and the subsequent occupation has killed 150,000 Iraqi civilians.
True on the failure to plan, but I think the religious infighting killed most of these folks. BTW, that has been going on longer than you and I have been alive.

* Created a vague “enemy combatant” status in order to indefinitely hold foreigners and even US citizens without trying or charging them with a crime.
Bullshit again.

* Used torture to interrogate prisoners despite evidence that says information acquired through unreliable
Bullshit and in fact, although Barry has run his mouth, he has not changed this policy.

* Prematurely said the mission in Iraq had been accomplished.

* Approved budgets that outspent our tax revenue by hundreds of billions of dollars.

* Poor leadership on response to Hurrican Katrina
Bullshit, the leadership problem was with the state and local government. Does Florida flounder like New Orleans?

* Little or no policy changes on our changing climate
Little or no real scientific data to prove it is occurring. He was the only one who made his own lifestyle conform to green. All your greenweeney boys have huge mansions and big carbon footprints. Again, your true stripes are showing.

* Didn’t veto a single bill for six years and when he finally did it was to shoot down the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act.

* Passed the Military Commissions Act, which removes the right to Habeus Corpus, one of the most fundamental safe guards against tyrannical governments.
True, except it only applied to non-US citizens. Please show me where the Constitution applies to non-citizens. It just don't.

* Pulled out of the Anti-Ballistic Missle Treaty
That was being violated and made useless with new technology. We were the only ones conforming.

* Issues illegal “signing statements” when passing bills, saying which portions of the bill he will or won’t enforce. This essentially allows him to rewrite legislation.
If they were so illegal, why didn't they get shot down under Carter, Reagan and Clinton?

* Pushed for elections in Palestine that lead to a Hamas victory, and then tried to overthrow them.
Pushed for democracy. Can't control what a crazy bunch of folks will vote for.

* Allowed Don Rumsfeld to outsource much of the Iraq war to security contractors which are not subject to Iraqi or American military laws or standards.

* Tried to appoint his personal attorney, Harriet Myers, to the supreme court.
She was a proven attorney and a female. Had he been a democrat, this would have been applauded.

* Dangerous diplomatic philosophy that discourages peaceful negotiations with certain nations.
Facts ... nope, just another liberal opinion.

* Appointed John Bolton, a man who said “there is no such thing as the United Nations“, as the UN Ambassador.
There is no such thing as the United Nations. The United Nations has been nothing but a hole in which we have poured money only to have it fail to do its job due to corruption and take over by left winged members.

* Consistent intellectual disinterest in his job.
Another bullshit liberal opinion.

* Failed to act on warning signs of the September, 11th attacks.
He was just in office. There were no definite signs. Had Clinton not let Osama go, we would have had no 9/11.

* Was dishonest with the American people about his National Guard service.
Oh really, another Dan Rather moment.

* Lied about giving up golf in a time of war.
Really .. what proof?

* Dissolving the Iraqi army right after the war, putting thousands of trained soldiers into the insurgency.
Lets see, do you leave the guys in the army that have been terrorizing the population before you defeated them and before you can vet them. Think not. What a numbnut idea.

* Believing Paul Wolfowitz that the war and subsequent reconstruction would pay for itself with Iraqi oil revenue.
It could have and would have, but the outcry that we not be seen as the evil empire fighting for oil that came out of Congress and the UN sidetracked that.

* His policies contributed to a quadrupling of the price of oil.
Bullshit, prove it.

* Lied to the American people that Saddam Hussein was working with Al-Qaeda
Saddam Hussein was working with terrorism.

Independent ... hell, I may be wrong, but you sure sing like a liberal democrat and by the way, in this post you sing like crap.

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 8:32 am
by MudDucker
Richy wrote: I believe 9/11 would have never happened if George Bush (the 1st one) would have "followed through" and let Gen. Schwarzkopf finish his job in the Gulf war instead of backing out. That showed a kink in our armor. You don't show compassion in a fight and you don't let finish the job so that the other guy never thinks about screwing with you again. So, with that being said ... I believe 9/11 was coming and it has nothing to do with Dubba, other than he was on watch when it happened. So, much like like a kid gettin' his butt kicked in his own front yard, he tried to redeem himself and the result is screwed up compains that have cost $ and lost lives and now a large % of the world are thinking we're A~holes ... and for what? To librate another country? For years now we have needed to be concerned with the USA, make ourselves strong again and stop trying to "librate" the world.

I agree 100 % about our children's, children's debt and what a terrible thing it is ... they're being saddled with huge $$$ burden because of the poor choices of our government leaders, Bush (both of them), Cheny & Rummy and now with B.O. .

I understand the cost of freedom...I really do.
Oh, so you would have had Bush1 ignore the other members of the coalition and the UN. The truth is that if Clinton had not been worried about getting his knob polished, he would have taken care of business when he was handed Osama on a platter.

No, I don't think you understand.

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 8:58 am
by Flanders
Go Dawgs!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :beer:

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 9:42 am
by Jeffry50
MudDucker :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 9:47 am
by Richy
~ ... I never said my "opinions" where proven facts, they were just that ... my opinion. Are opinions not welcome here?

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 9:57 am
by Reel Cowboy
Richy wrote:~ ... I never said my "opinions" where proven facts, they were just that ... my opinion. Are opinions not welcome here?
Yes they are. Give the forum a little time, you'll be able to pick out you can and can't take seriously.
No blood no foul. Some folks on here take EVERYTHING to heart and it ruins the dicussion.

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 10:22 am
by Tennessee
Richy, had Clinton done half the stuff Bush did he would not only been impeached, he would have been removed from office. Well somehow that dumbass Rush Limbaugh has tried to make himself somewhat significant, will not happen this time. Just waiting for Kenneth Star to make his appearance.....Where is Kenny...? By the way Mudducker congress aproved a resolution in November of 2003 that if the U.N. found weapons of mass destrution in Iraq, we were aproved for war, U.N. did not over and over they did not. Bush sent troops anyway. Driving oil to 140 a barrel, and increasing the debt from 5 trillion to 11 trillion, which fueled inflation making he hard for Americans to pay there bills, much less buy anything else which has caused unempoyment to go up. Heck what more proof do you need. But, Richy these guys will go back 8 years and blame Clinton who under his leadership we had full employment and three years of budget supluses, but got impeached for lying about getting his hob nobed, or what ever. The main thing none of this maters right not weather I am right, or Mudducker is right, it is pretty much irrelavent, we can do this all day. It is time to move forward under new leadership and find a way out of this mess. It would be better debate if we would offer solutions, and discuss its impact on the future.

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 10:27 am
by Jeffry50
Those are not opinions, they are TYPICAL liberal talking points. Please find something new.

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 10:29 am
by Jeffry50
Tennessee wrote "under his leadership we had full employment and three years of budget supluses,"

You mean because of a Republican congress.

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 10:40 am
by Reel Cowboy
[quote="Tennessee"] these guys will go back 8 years and blame Clinton [quote]

I'm not blaming Clinton for anything. I have no prblem speaking for myself and don't need you putting words in my mouth. All I have been saying is, with a goverment this big, it can't be all one man's fault. Speculators helped drive up the cost of oil as well. People lost homes because they bit off way more than they could chew, I'm not saying $4.00 gas helped them any but way too many people were living way beyond there means. The stock market fell due to bills not getting paid and profit margins falling. Profit margins fall and people will lose jobs. People lose jobs and they can't pay their bills. See where this is going?
TN, you seem like a fairly decent guy and I'd buy you a beer but our politics just don't mesh. That is what is great about our society. Civil debate is good but some people ( you know who you are) resort to name calling and mud slinging which is unproductive to the conversation.
We all want the same thing, prosperity for ourslevs, families and future generations.
The first bailout money was wasted and bigger goverment spending isn't the answer either, in my opinion.

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 10:55 am
by dolphinatic
Tennessee wrote:Richy, had Clinton done half the stuff Bush did he would not only been impeached, he would have been removed from office. Well somehow that dumbass Rush Limbaugh has tried to make himself somewhat significant, will not happen this time.
Lying under oath was a pretty big one :wink: If Bush would have lied about having sex with a intern about the age of his daughter (Ridin' Dirty to quote the Elder Bishop Prophet CEO Rev. Wright), then they should have tossed him too :thumbup: The media never reported about the day Clinton was to appear before the impeachment committee. He was on his hands and knees in the Oval Office weeping like a child. I personally know this for a FACT. About Rush, yeah...., there are alot of dumbasses out there pulling the jack he does :roll: . How many presidents can you name that ever worried about an "insignifiant, no-name talk show host??" Oh yeah, Clinton & Obama. How many times did Bush ever address all the pricks out there in the media that have said and done much worse....or even thrown their friggin shoes at 'em :smt009 Truly tasteless no matter who the president is.

Re: Presidential Annulment?????

Posted: March 10th, 2009, 12:54 pm
by MudDucker
Richy wrote:~ ... I never said my "opinions" where proven facts, they were just that ... my opinion. Are opinions not welcome here?
Opinions are like azzholes. Everyone has one, but some are smellier than others. You make statements that appear to be factual indictments (actually cut and paste crap from liberal lie blogs) and now want to say they were just opinions. Come on man ... if you gonna preach (especially bullshitz), you better be ready for the pew to heat up. :smt005