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Speak English

Post by GIT-R-WET »

This is great. I loved it. This gal sings it like it is. Maybe it will become #1.

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Post by wjmax64 »

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Post by What a mess »

Do you think the Native American Indian wishes they had tightened up their immigration policies?

I know we have a problem, I don't pretend to have a solution.

I'm sure I'll draw some enemy fire for this.

Anyone here originally from this country, anyone?

Everyone of my ancestors were 1st or 2nd generation immigrants.

I only met one of my grandparents the others had past she had a very heavy accent.

I love this country I volunteered to be in the Marine Corps I have been in other countries, I know what we have, what they do not.

I know that this is not the country I grew up in, many negative changes have taken place.

A very small handful can be attributed to immigrants most are caused by good old Americans.

What do you believe? Why do you believe it? Would you believe the same thing if you grew up anywhere else? Twenty years ago?
Twenty years from now?

Would you think the same way if you were born and raised in The hills of West Virginia, Spanish Harlem, Chicago, N.Y. N.Y., France Canada Mexico Holland or China?

Take a deep breath, think about it, what is your truth? Not the one that you repeat and others agree with.

I'll ask again what is your truth. Check your genealogy's before you answer.

What do you call a person that speaks three languages? Tri-lingual.
What do you call a person that speaks two languages? Bi-lingual.
What do you call a person that speaks one language? American!

Our laziness has opened the door for others to be here to do the jobs they do.

Our excess has caused them to covet our country and lifestyle.

The messed up welfare system we had created and the people of our country that could work but would not have taught them how to abuse a system.

Which do you think has caused more trouble in America the lack of ability to teach values ethics, and beliefs by our ancestors.

Or people coming from a third world country willing to do work that we won't do.

Or for a wage we would not work for and live in a condition we would not live in.

Get rid of those illegal immigrants today. = Have no place to live nothing to eat and no roads to drive on tomorrow.

Construction would stop, crops would rot in the field 1/3 of the factories would close.

How ya like me now?
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Post by Dubble Trubble »

I think the song just wanted them to LEARN english if they would come here...I did not see hear references in it to sending back illegals....

However, I think if every American would be required to learn Navajo or Seminole and speak it, then they would have to think about what is really fair...

I agree we have a lot of problems, and I sure do not have the answers.

But remember, the world is not a fair place, and never will be....in civilation or in the wild. Too many people want to live in a perfect world, and it just ain't gonna happen.

I think I'm gonna go take a nap.

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Post by Barhopr »

Everthing I know I learned from reading or listening to more educated people. That being said, This sounds alot like what happened with alot of central and eastern European immigrants around the turn of the 20th century. They came to this country willing to do the jobs that Americans would not do and for a wage they would not take. In the process they learned English and tried to assimilate into American society. Granted, alot or most of them were taken advatage of and paid very little money for the hard labor, while folks like Carnige, Dupont, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Ford etc... made billions on there backs. Now I'm no big fan of unions but if your a sate employee, teacher or part of a union in a corporation you have the immigrants to thank for that as well as most big time colleges and environmental causes get grants from the indowments named for the above folks.

It'll all work out

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Post by Dubble Trubble »

One other quote may apply here. I am not sure who first said it, but my Dad quoted it many times...

"The United States is the absolute worst country in the world to live in......

........except for all the rest"

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Post by Mook! »

Hrm...when I looked at the YouTube link, this one popped up in the little related video list or whatever. DON'T click on this one if there are children, or pretty much anyone else in earshot of your PC, and especially don't do it at work. Also don't click on it if you are offended by foul language....really foul language...lots of it... And hopefully I'm not violating any rules here by posting a link to such foul language, but if so, I apologize in advance, and it won't hurt my feelin's none if'n ye removes it...

With that, The Guy From Boston: Press 1 for English

I think the video was pretty funny as-is, but I think it's even funnier if you close your eyes and imagine it's an episode of Family Guy instead. "This English stuff really grinds my gears"
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Post by Mook! »

omg...wait wait! Before I get all flamed for this, I just want to let everyone know I disagree with this guy's opinion on visas. I didn't find his cursing or points of view all that funny (except for maybe the one about amnesty), just his insanity and the fact that he sounds like Peter Griffin.

oh, and I just watched it again, and it's even more offensive with the language than I remembered; seriously...headphones...and don't even watch it if you think something with about twice the f-bombs of the Sopranos may be offensive
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Post by MudDucker »

Oh no...I go away for a week and WAM comes on here with his liberal diatribe.

All things would not end without illegal workers...that is hogwash scare tactic. Prices wouldn't even rise if the government passed it savings back to the taxpayers.

Immigration here is a great thing. Especially where historically most immigrants seek to assimilate themselves in this country. Heavy accented english is still english.

Illegally crossing our borders and overwhelming the government welfare system is a very bad thing and then trying to make this country like their impoverished mess of a county, makes it an invasion, which is even worse. I'm personally not against a guest worker program, but I am absolutely against illegal border crossings.

If what you left is so great that you want to emulate it here, then why did you leave?

I'm glad you brought up the Indians...we should not use their immigration policy unless we want to end up like them.

American excesses....boy, if you are feeling so guilty, sell you excesses and move to a mud hut. Myself, I see a great standard of living afforded by hard work and the freedom to succeed and to fail.

BTW, we all know you volunteered for the corp for the food :smt005
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Post by CATCH 22 »

Here's my take on the subject coming from first hand experience. Right now my employer has 90 employees, 50% of which are Hispanic, only 10% speak any form of English. Of that 50%, only 10% are somewhat intelligent. See a correlation? Most are here to make a quick buck, (which they send back home) then leave, after we've spent much time training them. The ones that have taken the time to learn our language usually stay. Thats the main problem, their work ethics are undeniable for a short while, then they leave and go live well for a while in their country of origin,then, come back and do it all over. Iv'e seen this countless times, and it really pisses me off. While I'm not against letting hard working individuals into our fine country, we should not let them come back if they should choose to leave. It does'nt help our economy one iota to let them take the money and run :smt013 So my point being, SPEAK ENGLISH, live here, contribute to OUR economy, or stay the ef out :thumbup:
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Post by What a mess »

I have had first hand experience too.

I have experienced prejudice in my life.

I was born and raised Jewish in a community with no blacks or Hispanics.

People did not know why it was OK to be cruel to me, it was expected, just handed down by family and friends.

I have experienced it as an adult as well.

In reading some of the responses a few things jumped out.

I would agree the immigration policy of the American Indian would not give us a better result than it did them.

I would also agree if you had to learn Navajo you might have some empathy.

If you were hated for things you could not control ie. where you were born, race, your parents religion how would that effect you.
(buy the way you are remember the terrorists, at last report it really pisses you off.)

I wonder are these co-workers unintelligent or uneducated?

All I know is based on personal experiences prejudice is hurtful.

I know that there are many excuses for being a bigot but no justifications.

Don't worry guys mudducker will pick the squash and tomatoes then he will head to Dalton and make you some carpet after he will frame a house hang sheet rock and do some stucco work then he will gather a bunch of pine straw cut your grass and blow off your driveway and will do it for six dollars an hour cash.

Supply and demand if the jobs were not available they would not be here.

We pay people to not work, not grow crops, or make milk we are real smart.
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Post by CATCH 22 »

So, how many non english speaking employees do you have the pleasure to work with What A Mess. Yes, I should'nt of said unintelligent, but then again, how would I know? I can only go by their actions, which for the most part are duh. It is a very aggravating dilemma, not many of the now generation like to get their hands dirty and brows sweaty,therefore, we must hire who we can. I just refuse to learn Spanish so I can teach a immigrant a skill
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Post by MudDucker »

CATCH 22 wrote:So, how many non english speaking employees do you have the pleasure to work with What A Mess. Yes, I should'nt of said unintelligent, but then again, how would I know? I can only go by their actions, which for the most part are duh. It is a very aggravating dilemma, not many of the now generation like to get their hands dirty and brows sweaty,therefore, we must hire who we can. I just refuse to learn Spanish so I can teach a immigrant a skill
WAM has no non english speaking employees.
Last edited by MudDucker on July 14th, 2007, 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MudDucker »

I have experienced prejudice in my life.

What does that have to do with the illegal immigration issue? Nothing!

I was born and raised Jewish in a community with no blacks or Hispanics.

Again...so what does that have to do with the illegal immigration issue? Nothing!

People did not know why it was OK to be cruel to me, it was expected, just handed down by family and friends.

I have experienced it as an adult as well.

How did this get to be about Howard or even about Jewishness?

In reading some of the responses a few things jumped out.

I would agree the immigration policy of the American Indian would not give us a better result than it did them.

I would also agree if you had to learn Navajo you might have some empathy.

If frogs had wings, they would not bump their butt.

If you were hated for things you could not control ie. where you were born, race, your parents religion how would that effect you.
(buy the way you are remember the terrorists, at last report it really pisses you off.)

Who said anything about hate. Man, no pun intended, but you are way off of the reservation. I have no hate in my heart for illegal immigrants. One may hate the behavior without hating the person.

I wonder are these co-workers unintelligent or uneducated?

All I know is based on personal experiences prejudice is hurtful.

Again, why do you think this is about Howard? Do you think you are the only one who has suffered prejudice? This is not about prejudice, it is about legal versus illegal immigration.

I know that there are many excuses for being a bigot but no justifications.

There you go again. What a shallow argument you present. If I am not for illegal immigration, then according to you it is about hate and bigotry. That is both intellectually dishonest and a dispecible labeling based upon your false assumptions. I've always found it fascinating when someone has no clue about the intellectual argument that they turn to low emotional name calling. Does not your own assumption and labeling make you a bigot? I think so.

Don't worry guys mudducker will pick the squash and tomatoes then he will head to Dalton and make you some carpet after he will frame a house hang sheet rock and do some stucco work then he will gather a bunch of pine straw cut your grass and blow off your driveway and will do it for six dollars an hour cash.

MudDucker mows his own yard and has grown and picked his own vegetables in the past and will do again in the future if necessary. My home was built by Americans and not illegal immigrants. I've used legal immigrants with green cards and will continue to do so. I guess that kills your hate argument.

Supply and demand if the jobs were not available they would not be here.

How naive. They are here because their own country does not offer them the same opportunity. They come in and underbid all others in the market because you can do that when you pay no taxes and take welfare. This creates an artificial demand for their services.

We pay people to not work, not grow crops, or make milk we are real smart.

You will get no argument from me on your last statement. Who did you borrow it from. :smt005
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Post by Dubble Trubble »

VERY well articulated Mudducker......

I can't believe he is blaming bigotry and predjudice for what is simply a matter of ABIDING BY LAWS of the country.

Dubble :thumbup:
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