Bald Pt. to St. Marks 4/18-4/19

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Ken K
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Joined: December 11th, 2001, 8:00 pm
Location: Woodbury, Georgia

Bald Pt. to St. Marks 4/18-4/19

Post by Ken K »

Me and Capt. Vic fished here and there from Bald Point to St. Marks. The bite was slow to non existant both days until around 2 p.m. We caught trout pretty steadily from then on but had a hard time finding keepers. We could have sunk the boat with 14 1/2" fish but managed only 8 keepers Friday and 6 on Saturday.
Vic caught most of his on the Victimizer Electric Chicken shad and Orange Crush curly tail grub. I had the best luck with a White/Hot pink stinger tail grub under a cork and the Bone Diamond and Night Shiner SWA, free lined. I used up three packs of the Night Shiner in two hours Friday.

We tried fishing top water plugs both days but never got more than a few half hearted strikes.
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